Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Benedict’s Rule

â€Å"Benedict’s Rule†, a document that supposedly details the way a true Christian must behave to actually be a true Christian, and not a mere Sunday churchgoer, is a curious text. It is aimed mostly at those who wish to dedicate their whole lives to God, written mostly for monks. However, it is often taken to be a guide to how all Christians should behave despite the fact that there are quite a few things that differ rather drastically from what the Bible says. It is my opinion, thus, that this text cannot be used as a correct interpretation of God’s vision for Christians.Before beginning dealing with both this text and the Bible, I must note that the Bible contains controversial information. Sometimes the tales are of humans that strove hard and failed, and their failure – when taken literally and not as a lesson – can serve as a bad example. Other times, tales are shown to demonstrate how not to do, and there aren’t very many instances th at there are direct commandments towards humanity. That is why I have decided to use one particular section of the Bible – the Sermon on the Mount, as it is a depiction of Christ speaking directly and clearly to the people to show what he wants of them.It is a condensation of the Bible in many ways. And, as we shall see in direct comparison, what the Bible says are the direct words of God do not comply even closely what St. Benedict wants of the people. First of all, the text explicitly shows a bias towards monks. Even though it was written for monasteries, the author does not seem to accept any other kind of worshipper. Only those who are monks are actually pleasing to God – or, at least, such an expression I garnered from reading the text.And, even then, traveling monks, those, who have no stable monastery are frowned upon deeply and insinuated with all sorts of sins (â€Å"Always roving and never settled, they indulge their passions and the cravings of their appeti te, and are in every way worse than the Sarabaites. † BR, chapter 1). Elitism, however, is one of the things Christian doctrine rises against the most. Christianity is not the religion of some Elite, it is the religion of the many, and it is for everyone, who will take the time and trouble to know God.Any person can do it, and there is no need to lead a special, â€Å"especially righteous† life in a monastery. No, indeed, a true Christian is a man of the higher world, a man of heaven, who descends unto the Earth to aid those in need of guidance here. Someone might protest on this one that monasteries are of great value. I do not underestimate the importance of monasteries in the great work that is Christianity – scholars and keepers of lore are as valued in the Christian tradition as in any other. However, neither are they the most important.The most important is the average, everyday person, who has his or her own relationship with Deity. The aim of Christianity was never to create an elite, it was to have everyone transmute into an elite. This requires not monasteries as places of seclusion – a monk may not even eat outside of a monastery, as chapter 51 of Benedict’s rule states – but as schools admitting all those who wish to learn truly! A division between believers is not only unnecessary, but also harmful to the cause, and teaching it to the people who would be teachers is just plain evil, if an unintended one.Second, as we can see in Benedict’s rule, he depicts things such as humility, silence, and et cetera as being rather, well, showy. For instance, humility: Benedict shows that humility is to be spoken of out loud, at least in the middle degrees of it. This is not humility, but the opposite, exaltation. Even the he mentions greater humility later on; it still does not seem to be the most important. Formal observance seems to take precedence over the simple and honest, if at times clumsy, task of living a good life, shows seem to be more important than honest service.Monasteries are supposed to be quiet and devoted to their given tasks, not showing off their â€Å"more-humble-than-thou-art†. This is devoutly un-Christian. The Bible says, however, that things such as worship should be kept in secret – and not because of a fear of nosy neighbors, either! The mysteries of God are simple, yet, when occulted, they gain great power for the transformation of the one that works with these mysteries. However, as with any occult knowledge, when revealed, it becomes absolutely useless and even false.Like decorations out of a good drama, when brought to daylight, they are nothing but fool’s gold – and the alchemical transmutation of fool’s gold into real gold only occurs in solitude and darkness, only after a person has sought his on way to God and fought his own battles on it. One might oppose me in that monasteries are there to leave the lights within this darkness, for the lone traveler and neophyte to use. Monasteries are supposed to lead the exemplary life, one for which the average believer should strive. Yet how much of an example is it, if it is impossible to follow because of the elitism?A true teaching goes out to the students of this teaching, it does not attempt to shroud knowledge in baubles. Yes, showing an exemplary life originally was one of their functions – however, such things must be done very carefully, and never massively. Yes, certain shreds of enlightenment, certain way markers can be transplanted from one person to another; and a basic education is never a bad thing. However, usually such things are not given in monasteries. They are not careful enough, not competent enough, and too massive for their own good – and, even if they were good enough, what truth about God was ever learned in a classroom?It and the teacher in it can aid in pinpointing the way, not be the Truth itself. Added to the usuall y reclusive and yet arrogant life of the monasteries, what comes of it is more an indoctrination than anything else. And this leads us to the next un-Christian thing I found in Benedict’s Rule. Benedict speaks much of obedience. (â€Å"As soon as anything hath been commanded by the Superior they permit no delay in the execution, as if the matter had been commanded by God Himself. â€Å", chapter 5) However, he speaks of obedience to humans, not to God.He says that those high up in the Church are God’s chosen for this work, and should be obeyed as God would be obeyed, for they are always vessels for His will. We shall not even get into the whole discussion of where saying that the Church hierarchs lack the basic gift of God – Free Will – leads. Omitting that, we shall focus on the fact that everything is, in its own way, a test from God. If subscribing to the theodicy of the fact that evil exists as a tool for our learning and growth, the fallacies of an other can also be regarded in this respect.Preaching blind obedience, when one of the basics of Christianity is â€Å"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. † (Matthew 7:2)? The process of seeking has always involved thinking for oneself, separating the wheat from the chaff, deciphering the Holy Book that is Life and Christ itself – not merely obeying those who are also on this search, and may be going down a wrong alleyway, for to be human is to err! Christianity is a religion that is supposed to grant freedom, not to suffocate it within the throngs of hierarchy.In Benedict’s Rule there is much emphasis on formality. When prayers are to be said, how gifts are supposed to be given, and so on. (â€Å"CHAPTER XVI How the Work of God Is to Be Performed during the Day†, et cetera). The proper procedure for communion with God is quite important, that no one can deny, however, it is not by chance that the Sermon on the Mount focuses upon the inner motivations (â€Å"But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother shall be guilty before the court;† Matthew 5:22) and not on the outer manifestation.One might say that an outer manifestation, such as the keeping of formalities, is important as well. After all, is it not by ceremony that we recognize and identify? Is it not the symbol that shows us the way? Is it not the atmosphere that is created with these symbols and formalities that first teaches us the essence of religion, is within them not the spirit of Christianity itself? Yes, and I do not mean to contradict that in any kind of way. However, as a word written on a page can never replace the object itself, so the symbols of religion should not become the core of religion, and this should be remembered.Christianity, when it first arose, was a religion of personal experience. It was something that you felt and worked with, and it – and its outer expression s – was individual for every believer. Everyone was his own judge, in the end. Any outer rules that came into existence for Christianity, though important, were secondary, not primary. The code of conduct is a useful thing, however, it – if the monks to whom it is addressed are good monks – has no value whatsoever. It would be valuable for those striving to be monks, for complete novices, but not for those who have done the inner work.For, if one heeds the Bible, which frowns even upon evil thoughts, good actions should follow. The formalities are a necessary subsequence to real inner faith. What would be good is advice on wisdom, on how to make decisions, and not on the formalities. Tradition is important and beautiful, but not to this extent. It should not become dogma, accepted on faith as Gospel – and as too many would want it to be. As we can see, the text †Benedict’s Rule†, if read with care, can be seen as even contradicting the Bible.Such is the price of human folly; such is the price of people attempting to judge the inner world by outer laws. Not a gentle mingling, growing into each other, which is done within every true individual’s hearts – but a forcible mashing together of the two things that should be one, yet are now separate. This task, to be done, must include letting go of the reins of society and entrusting the process within the hands of an individual human and God, though this is very difficult.Christianity is not supposed to force this relationship, as Benedict states, with punishments (â€Å"At the day hours, however, whoever doth not arrive for the Work of God after the verse and the Gloria of the first psalm, which is said after the verse, let him stand in the last place, according to the rule which we stated above; and let him not attempt to join the choir of the chanters until he hath made satisfaction, unless, perchance, the Abbot's permission hath given him leave to do so, with the understanding that he atone the fault afterwards† chapter 43).However, it is supposed to gently show those who made a mistake that it was a mistake. As Socrates said, â€Å"There is not one person that would do evil if they knew it was evil. † This is true, and Christianity’s function is to enlighten the people, to aid them in stopping making mistakes. How many times could a teacher force someone to learn? None. But a teacher who awakens within his pupils not fear, but a desire to learn, will succeed in being a good teacher. Benedict, though he tries valiantly, fails this difficult task.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Pakistan Case Study Research Paper Essay

The subordination of women is a prevalent issue in many middle-eastern cultures today. The absence of women in the labor force, community and decision making positions in these middle eastern societies is a detrimental drag on their economic and environmental welfare. Longstanding beliefs and traditions in the muslim culture are geared toward oppression of women and minimal civil rights. Such traditions have held these countries back from keeping up with progressive countries around the globe. Saima Muhammad, a young woman featured in Half the Sky lives in the outskirts of Lahore, Pakistan, a country which epitomizes this previously mentioned gender disparity. Gender disparity was a formidable obstacle for Saima in her goal to pay off her husband’s three thousand dollar debt. When Saima would simply take the public bus to a local marketplace in order to sell goods for her family, she was scorned by her neighbors as a loose woman. Loose women contradicted these middle-eastern values, also making life much harder for them. Saima’s house was falling apart to the point where she was forced to send her daughter to her aunt’s house just for safety. Amidst these changes, Saima was constantly beaten by her husband out of pure frustration. Following the birth of Saima’s second girl, Saima’s mother-in-law suggested her husband find somebody else to marry because she wasn’t going to have a boy. These are just a few examples of the environment that Pakistani women, or women in the muslim culture are forced to live in. Widespread poverty in Pakistan was a driving factor in Saima’s financial inability to maintain her house. Such a debt left by her husband was more of a hardship in these impoverished countries than anywhere else. This is because the means of acquiring goods to start a business are scarce due to minimal economic activity. This economic activity being primarily dominated by men is also considerably unfavorable to women, this is to be examined later on. One obvious result of widespread poverty is a drought of capital. Lack of capital was one of the most detrimental characteristics of her impoverished country. With entrepreneurial spirits, Saima needed financing if she was going to support her family. the Kashf foundation made this possible by lending Saima small amounts of money at a time. Demand for saima’s bracelets were exceeding supply. Following her entrepreneurial successes, she was met with respect from friends and family. Saima’s story is unfortunately a rare one. With gender disparity existing in a structural and foundational form, most women of Pakistan and other middle-eastern countries don’t get the opportunity to work outside of their house. Exploitation of women in Pakistan often occurs in many different forms through human rights, education, labor and many other life necessities. Due to longstanding beliefs in this culture, women are responsible for strictly household maintenance. When women are working actual jobs within agriculture or other fields, they are often exploited. Female has always been accompanying male participation within the rural agriculture sector, strictly short-term work available at the time of implant and yield of crops. In Pakistan’s case, women in rural areas are primarily unpaid workers. Women now participate in the political sector but are restricted from any high authority positions in politics due to their low literacy rate which is a result of their subordination. (ESWP) The exploitation of women for free labor, in addition to the restriction of any access to high positions or the decision-making positions is an example of gender disparity in the labor force. The dominance of men in all decision-making positions includes the allocation of natural resources. Women have shown through their agricultural work that they are capable of caring for crops and the environment in a sustainable fashion but they aren’t given the opportunity. The methods of which the men of pakistan have decided are appropriate for their country include overgrazing. With a cow population that is higher than that of its people, resources are diminished through this exploitation. When there is drought along with over-exploitation, it results in poverty. Poverty in turn leads to overexploitation which worsens the problem of desertification, It is a vicious cycle. (Voice of America News) This environmental exploitation is arguably a result of the dominance of men throughout decision-making positions, and the lack of interactive opportunities given to women. Women’s roles in the awareness and education of environmental dangers throughout Pakistan are rare. This is partially a result of an enormous lack of women’s education investments. Increasing women in the workforce is a challenge as well as an opportunity for Pakistan to develop as a country. Clearly Pakistan’s low rate of female literacy is an obstacle to increasing female workforce participation. As education levels rise, labor force participation must also rise for Pakistan to capture fully its return on investment in girls education. (Coleman Pg.1) How can a Pakistani Woman teach her country about their environment, when their country doesn’t teach them how to read? Lack of women’s education throughout these cultures is detrimental to the future of their own economy and environment. With limited opportunities for women, it becomes difficult to enlighten your community about the environment when they won’t listen to you. Opportunities have recently arisen for women in Pakistan in terms of work. These opportunities are aimed to give women in Pakistan a voice, literally. The report is aimed at creating awareness among media managers and working journalists about the importance of women’s role in the media and radio stations in Pakistan essentially giving women a voice which could be seen as a big step for their country.(BBC) This recent opportunity for women could be the next step towards voicing their opinion about environmental matters and having a role in the decisions of society. The environmental health of Pakistan is among the worst in the entire world as a result of ignorant methods of waste disposal and poor allocation of resources. The exploitation of resources has led to deforestation, desertification, and drought. The careless disposal of waste resulted in air pollution, gas emissions, toxic fertilizers, and borderline poisonous water. Pakistan’s environment is in ruins. The mayor of Karachi, Pakistan’s largest city, recently announced the city’s water and sewer system on the brink of collapse. Air pollution here as well as in other Pakistani cities is estimated to be 20 times higher than World Health Organization standards consider to be average. The country’s percentage of forested land is among the lowest in the world, and the rate at which it is disappearing among the highest. (Kambler Pg.1) The men in control of environmental operations, operate quite unfavorably towards women. The health of women and children are neglected in most development programs involving the widespread distribution of pesticides or fertilizers. Users are not alerted about the mandatory safety precautions, there is now enough evidence to show that peasant and other poor women share the experience of living in an ever degrading environment. (RCOWE) women naturally possess a more caring and conservative nature of work and it’s shown through their duty in agriculture. The Sindh Rural Women’s Uplift Group helped Pakistani women by allowing ten to fifteen on the farm at a time, under the guidance of female farm supervisors. Paying them the same wages as men and giving them the same responsibilities as men, there was an opportunity for comparison. The women’s agricultural output was greater than that of men’s, women also had an advantage in Mowing, Grasses for mulch, collecting farm leaves etc. Essentially, the policy instrument of which is being implemented in this situation can be seen as charity or gender equality. Charity is what the Sindh Rural Women’s Uplift Group is doing by giving these women an opportunity to be involved . Gender Equality is shown in the allocation of resources towards women for once instead of being put under the control of Pakistani men. The policy instrument of gender equality could be implemented towards economic development whether they sound related or not. In pakistan’s case, gender equality would result in an efficient allocation of resources through the implementation of females in authoritative environmental positions. The allocation of resources is better left in the hands of women for the good of the economy. Gender equity can be a determinant of just distribution of resources and income by allowing the female population of pakistan to rise to autonomy level, for once in history evenly distributing resources and income among women and men. An ecologically sustainable scale of the economy would come in time with the progression of women’s authoritative roles in not only agricultural or environmentally based occupancies, but half of Pakistan’s economy. Works Cited Council on Foreign Relations. (n.d.). Council on Foreign Relations. Retrieved from Full Text Electronic Journal List. (2012, November 11). Full Text Electronic Journal List. Retrieved from Kambler, M. (2001, November 27). Pakistan’s Environmental Nightmare. – Page 1. Retrieved November 11, 2012, from M. (2012). Employment situation of women in Pakistan. ProQuest. Retrieved November 11, 2012, from anhwar, F. (1998, June 15). WOMEN AND ORGANIC AGRICULTURE IN PAKISTAN. World Conference on Horticultural Research. Retrieved November 11, 2012, from 2 The regional conference on women and environment. (n.d.). Embracing the Earth. Retrieved November 11, 2012, from V. (2006, July 31). Pakistan Combats Growing Environmental Menace. ProQuest. Retrieved November 11, 2012, from

Monday, July 29, 2019

Coordination Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Coordination - Coursework Example Moreover, commuters travelling on busy ferries of coastal river will have to buy passes costing up to $100 each month or pay toll, something that has been free. Additionally, drivers who have speeding tickets as well as other defendants will now pay $52 more to Superior Court and $24 more for District Court Costs. Finally, the house plan has also increased file motion fees to $20 for civic suit parties, while they will also be required to pay between $150 and $200 for counter-claim files. Anonymous, observes that the public would also have to face lose of unemployment benefits following the 13% cut in unemployment benefits proposed on April 16. Education will also be more expensive and this could be deteriorated by insufficient teachers because no funds were allocated to hire the required 1,100 teachers. The proposed budget mainly compromises the education sector (Anonymous). However, this is a key sector that the government has to fund. Through proper coordination, state education board should be made responsible for policy setting on the handling of impending school layoffs. There should be a balance between each sector and the public, so as to reduce the challenges. Budget watchdogs should also be employed to examine the efficiency of state programs. Funding of the various sectors should be balanced in relation to their needs and urgency. For example, it is not fair for public education to receive the least tax cuts and have almost everything else losing, while a sector like IT receives so many benefits at the cost of other public benefits like unemployment

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Nuclear Power Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Nuclear Power - Essay Example This article will focus on nuclear power focusing on potential advantages and disadvantages. Research shows that nuclear energy is sustainable, however; this form of energy has also been associated with the numerous threats it poses to the environment. Some of the most common nuclear disasters known include the Three Mile Island Accident (1979), Chernobyl disaster (1986) and the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster (2011) (Cravens, 2007). However, experts are still carrying out research regarding safety improvements in nuclear energy. This is with the sole aim of finding out if nuclear power’s hazardous side can be eliminated. This will then ensure that opponents of nuclear power embrace its creation, testing and ultimate use. The countries that have significantly invested in nuclear energy include the China, United States and Japan. In this case, the United States was recognized as the largest producer of nuclear energy. In most cases, nuclear energy is employed in propulsion of ships (nuclear marine propulsion), production of electricity and space vehicles among other uses. In the past, most of the countries used nuclear power in construction of weapons of mass destruction. This was most prevalent in the World War II era (Cravens, 2007). In conclusion, nuclear power has been identified as a conventional fuel resource. This involves the use of the uranium element which is a constituent of dirt and rocks found in large water bodies. Furthermore, the World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO) is an international organization which was set up to promote the safety awareness of nuclear facilities (Cravens,

New ways of communication Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

New ways of communication - Coursework Example Moreover, unconventional leadership styles and functions have also been witnessed to play an imperative role for the organizations to obtain competitive success, making greater use of advanced technology and the available resources. One such example can be observed in the dimension of internet communication processes. Emphasizing the aforesaid aspect, this paper aimed at empirically identifying the benefits and drawbacks of communicating with co-workers over internet medium in the 1st assignment. 1st Assignment The method of face-to-face communication has been providing adequate support to the business since the ancient trade periods. Eventually, the integration of advanced Information and Communication Technology (ICT), in the modern day communication process, has been viewed to play a major role for the co-workers in terms of sharing different ideas, thoughts and business information using the internet facilities. However, the process can also impose negative impacts upon the organ izations while the co-workers seek to communicate through internet medium. It is in this context that Patterson (2011) emphasizes various dynamic features concerning the importance of developing face-to-face communication amid the co-workers.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Orgnaizational Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Orgnaizational Behavior - Essay Example In general leadership refers to the use of non-coercive influence techniques. It is important to distinguish a leader from a dictator. Whereas dictators get others to do what they want by using physical coercion or by threats of physical force, leaders do not (Greenberg and Baron, 2003: pp 471). From the definition it is clear that leadership involves the exercise of influence for the purpose of attaining group or organisational goals. In other words, leaders focus on changing those actions or attitudes of their subordinates that are related to specific goals. They are far less concerned with altering followers' actions or attitudes that are irrelevant to such goals. (Greenberg and Baron, 2003: pp 471). Also, from the definition one can see that leadership requires followers that is leadership is a two way street. Although leaders do indeed influence subordinates in various ways, leader also are influenced by their subordinates. As a matter of fact one can say that leadership exists only in relation to followers. After all, one cannot lead without followers. (Greenberg and Baron, 2003: pp 471). Leadership style refers to the adoption of Authoritarian Management or a Democratic Management style by an individual in an organization, depending on which style is more comfortable to his or her personality. (Statt and David, 1999: pp 91). Leadership Styles Of Two Senior Member In My Organisation The leadership styles of two senior members in my organisation are as follows: The first senior member is primarily concerned with establishing good relations with subordinates and being looked by them. He/she engages in actions such as doing favours for subordinates, explaining things to them and taking steps to ensure their welfare. He is reluctant to act in a directive manner toward subordinates and often shy away from presenting them with negative feedback. The second Senior member on the other hand is concerned mainly with production and focuses primarily on getting the job done. The senior member engages in actions such as organising work, inducing subordinates to follow rules, setting goals, and making leader and subordinate rules explicit. The leadership styles discussed above can be linked as shown in the figure 2 below: Figure 2: Basic Dimensions of Leadership Behaviour. Taken from: (Greenberg and Baron, 2003: pp 471). From the figure above one can observe that though the leadership styles discussed earlier are far off from each other, these leadership styles often converge at times. For example, there are leaders who are both production oriented and at the same time person oriented. Some leaders can be 75% person oriented and 25% production oriented and vice versa. Also some leaders can score equal points for each of the two dimensions as well as some may not be found in any of the dimensions. That is they are neither person oriented nor production oriented. Likert's Four System approach. Following an extensive research at Michigan University, Rensis Likert came up with

Friday, July 26, 2019

Policy Making and Contemporary Governance in the United Kingdom Essay

Policy Making and Contemporary Governance in the United Kingdom - Essay Example Within an organization, it is the board that takes care of the accountability of an organization to its â€Å"owners and stakeholders†. The essence on governance particularly relates to public traded organizations that mainly focus on accountability, responsibility and profitability. Corporate governance has all the more taken a significant position than it had in the earlier times (Jackson, Derose & Beatty, 2003, p.4). It was after the release of the Cadbury report in the year 1992 that corporate governance became a major concern in the UK. The focus of the Cadbury report was quite restricted to the financial parts of corporate governance. However, several other reports followed the Cadbury report and include â€Å"the Greenbury report (1995), the Hampel report (1998), the Smith report (2003), and the Higgs report (2003)†. The reports derived from these cases of UK imply that only particular issues in regard to corporate governance have been dealt that included the rev elations of compensations of directors and executives of the organization, appraisal committees, and the responsibility and efficacy of non executives in the company (Plessis, Hargovan & Bagaric, 2010, p.312). Although governance has been an old concept, however, it is recently that concerns have been given more importance on issues regarding good governance in an organization. Thus policy governance came into play and has been refined and articulated by different authors at different points of time. Policy governance refers to the theory that governs the business of public. The boards of organizations take the responsibilities towards achieving the organizational goals and objectives for which suitable corporate governance is highly necessary (Jackson, Derose & Beatty, 2003, p.5). This report would deal with a study on the approaches to the study of policy making that best help to understand the nature of contemporary governance in the UK. Corporate Governance in the UK: The Early Times: Corporate governance was defined by the Cadbury report as a â€Å"system by which companies are directed and controlled† (Keasey, Thompson & Wright, 2005, pp.22). Cadbury had realized that following good governance within an organization assists the organizational members and the authorities to deliver measures effectively thus driving the companies forward towards success. Failures in corporate governance may occur owing to inefficient performances by the organization which results in decrease in the level of profits. Secondly when an organization earns huge profits there may be a tendency among its members to share some amount of that profit in the way of excess remuneration. Thus to incur corporate management to provide effective and efficient performances, a good governance is a requirement (Keasey, Thompson & Wright, 2005, pp.22-23). It can be said that the governance reforms in the UK particularly started with the establishment of the Cadbury Committee that focus ed on issues relating to exercise of â€Å"creative accounting devices†, failures at the corporate levels, and public dissatisfaction over increasing rates of compensation of the executives of an organization. The recommendations of Cadbury focused mainly on the responsibilities of the executive officers within an organization. Thus the role of executives and non-executives were taken into concern and tried to be strengthened by the Cadbury recommendations along with additional progress (Keasey, Thompson & Wright, 2005, p.5). â€Å"Executive pay arrangements† offer a predominantly appealing argument for confirmation for corporate governance reforms. Several reformers have stressed their efforts on improving the transparency of remuneration process, trying not to affect the executive

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Movie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Movie - Essay Example An example of this taken from the movie is when the wife Mrs. Smith is at a neighbors party and is holding a baby. The husband then reacts a certain way. The wife is performing an action that normally would not be performed and this persuades the husband to act in a certain way. Compliance resisting is the refusal of a target of influence message to comply with requests. This is shown many times throughout the movie. One significant example is when Mrs. Smith discusses redecorating and the purchase of new curtains. The wife intends to act as a normal wife does. Acting like a normal wife is the wife’s goal to try and persuade the husband into thinking the wife is someone she is not. This backfires as the target (Mr. Smith) reacts in a way that is not expected. Hurtful messages are messages that create feelings of pain and emotional upset. Hurtful messages do not begin in the movie until the couple finds out that they are similar to one another. A specific example of this is whe n the two are advised to kill one another. After they both realize that they are instructed to kill one another they begin producing hurtful messages. The hurtful messages are described when Mrs. Smith is driving in the car and talking to her husband on the phone. They both are relaying hurtful messages to one another.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Time Management for the Adult Learner Research Paper

Time Management for the Adult Learner - Research Paper Example Before actually getting enrolled in a course, the adult learner needs to layout reasons as to why or why not there is a need to go back to the university. For regular students, this task may not seem to be of any difficulty at all. For the adult learner, giving up receiving paychecks on a regular basis to earn a degree is a challenging dilemma. Though the degree would give them a better shot for a promotion at work and in getting more digits on the paychecks, the whole course would cost a lot and would add up to the monthly bills waiting to be settled on a regular basis (KeyOrganization.Com, 2011). The dilemma goes on with regards to weighing paychecks that are currently being received with the diploma which is still a goal to be achieved. Even with the better opportunity that lies ahead once the diploma is received, would it be worth it to sacrifice the instability of not earning enough to support the cost of living at present? Though there are scholarships that are being offered, the hours spent at the university could be spent at work to earn additional amount of money (Zupek, 2009). There are companies who may consider employees who are working part-time due to the fact that as the employee is enrolled at a course. However, there are also establishments that have particular needs with regards to working hours and most of the time could not make any special arrangements to accommodate adult learners who are employed under their firm. If the latter situation applies in the firm an adult learner is employed, therefore the student would need to give up the career and look for another that can accommodate school hours (Zuperk, 2009). This factor is just the start of a number of dilemmas that the aspiring adult learner needs to arrange before the actual learning experience in a school environment. It is a totally different story once the actual education experience takes place. Once the adult learner enters the university, there is

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Social Network criminal Investigation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Social Network criminal Investigation - Essay Example It was owing to their usability that their use was taken into accordance for every possible usage. As a result of this presently we see information and technology based devices around us everywhere. Human beings cannot execute even a few hours of their lives without the involvement of their personalized high tech devices. Since the use of everything is prone to both use and misuse it is imperative that certain ethical and moral boundaries be marked with respect to actions demonstrating a line between what actions and permissible and which are not. When these demarcations are done officially, they are referred to as laws. Laws govern each and every mode of life. Since information technology and more specifically computing based device are well knit with human daily routines, the use of these devices must also be governed by laws. What Is Law? Officially in the words of the Department of Justice, Canada, law can be quoted as, â€Å"Rules made by government are called "laws." Laws are meant to control or change our behaviour and, unlike rules of morality, they are enforced by the courts. If you break a law - whether you like that law or not - you may have to pay a fine, pay for the damage you have done, or go to jail.† (Department of Justice- Canada, 2009) The HISTORY of law dates back to the history of mankind. Ever since man has existed, so have laws. They have evolved with the evolution of man himself. Each law was formulated every time its need would arise. The modern society has its own set of laws that govern it. Though they may not be entirely different from those dating back to a few hundred years they sure have innumerable new additions to them. These new developments have emerged with the evolution of man himself. The present technology prone human society should have in itself a number of laws that govern it. Since the technology based world uses computing devices everywhere it is the need of the hour that the misuse of the same be taken into not ice and limited by enforcing relevant laws. The present study is an attempt to enlighten the need for laws with respect to social networks. SOCIAL NETWORKS What are social networks? For a novice it may be really hard to explain what this terminology refers to, however for a technology literate it may be said that, A social Network is a virtual Social structure that is composed of different nodes. These nodes are connected together via a network. The internet is the most widely used network of the current times since it is universally accessible. Thus each computing device may serve as a node when connected to the internet. There are various websites over the internet that offer their web portals as domains upon which each of these nodes can register themselves and maintain their virtual profile. It is then via these personalized profiles that social networks flourish and contacts establish. This entire domain of social networking has a number of pros and cons. Though its pros outnum ber the cons associated with it but the pros themselves are immensely grave in nature. Where social networks assist in globalization and make physical boundaries immaterial, they are also responsible for the development and flourishing of a number of criminal activities. These activities often go unnoticed when they are in relation with the very adored social networks and this makes them even more dangerous and harmful. Figure 1: (Levy, 2011) False profiles can very easily with

Monday, July 22, 2019

Hazard of Coal and Coal Mining to Human Health Essay Example for Free

Hazard of Coal and Coal Mining to Human Health Essay Coal is a solid but brittle sedimentary rock with a natural brown to black color and is made up of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and lesser amounts o f sulphur and trace elements. Coal is classified into four types depending on the carbo n, oxygen and hydrogen content on which the higher the carbon content, the more energy the coal contains (Coal at a Glance, 2009). The amount of energy in coal is define d by the heat value measured by British thermal units (Btu). One Btu is equivalent to the amount of energy in a single match (RockTalk, 2005). The four types of coal include lignite, sub bituminous, bituminous, and anthracite. The lowest rank of the coal i s lignite and has a heating value of 4,000 to 8,300 British thermal units (Btu) per pound. This type is the softest with high moisture content, least amount of carbon a nd is mainly used to produce electricity. The second least of the four types is sub-bituminous coal with a heating value of 8,300 to 13,000 Btu per pound and contains 35 to 45 percent carbon. After addition of more heat and pressure on lignite, bituminous coal is formed which is made of many tiny layers. It contains 11,000 to 15,500 Btu per pound heating value and is an important fuel for the steel and iron industries. Of the commonly minable coals, anthracite is the hardest and has a heating value of 15,000 Btu per p ound containing 86 to 97 percent carbon (Coal at a Glance, 2009). Coal is a non-renewable source of energy because it takes million of years to form. It has become a powerhouse by the 1800’s in America in which the people used coal to manufacture goods and to power steamships and railroad engines . It was noted that after the American Civil war, coal was used to make iron and steel and by the end of 1800’s, people used coal to make electricity. In the 1900’s, coal is the mainstay for the nation’s business and industries. Coal stayed America’s number one energy source until petroleum was used for petroleum products that became a demand. In 2009, 93.6 percent of all the coal in the United States was used for electricity production. Coal generates almost half of the electricity used in the U.S (Coal at a Glance, 2009). Based from Gree n World Investor (2011), coal has numerous uses primarily as a source of fuel and as a rich carbon source. It also plays an important role in cement and steel industries and coal is the largest source of electricity production. Coal is mainly used as fuel to generate electricity t hrough combustion. In steel production, coal together with iron, are the two raw materials used to produce steel in which the former is used as a fuel to smelt the iron in furnace until the cast iron is further refined. Similar with electricity and cement production, coal is also being used as a fuel in cement industry. Furthermore, paper a nd aluminum industry also uses coal as a fuel since coal is cheap and very available for these types of industries that are huge consumers of energy fuel. According to World Coal Association (2012), â€Å"the biggest market for coal is Asia, which currently accounts for over 65% of global coal consumption; although China is responsible for a significant proportion of this. Many countries do not have n atural energy resources sufficient to cover their energy needs, and therefore need to import energy to help meet their requirements. Japan, Chinese Taipei and Korea, for example, import significant quantities of steam coal for electricity generation and co king coal for steel production†. They also added that coal users further include alumina refineries and chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Chemical products can be produced from the by-products of coal. Refined coal tar is used in the manufacture of c hemicals, such as creosote oil, naphthalene, phenol, and benzene. Despite the myriad benefits coal has to offer, t here is always a disadvantage of using it. According to Fossil Fuel Resources (2012), coal burning causes the emission of harmful waste such as carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, sulphuric acids, arsenic and ash. Furthermore, coal emits twice as much carbon dioxide compared to natural gas in producing the same level of heat which increases the level of emission of greenhouses ga ses into the earth’s atmosphere. As well as large factories and power industry that burn coal causes acid rain in some areas. Moreover, coal mining damages t he landscape a nd the environment as a whole plus t he large and noisy equipment used for mining may a ffect local wildlife. Transportation of coal can also be a problem since it requires extensive transportation system and causes additional pollution from vehicle emissions. Another huge disadvantage is that the coal is a non-renewable energy source and thi s millennium, coal can be depleted if burning of coal is continued in the future. Likewise, in coal mining industry, health difficulties of miners occur and fatalities due to dangerous nature of work increase. This paper would be tackling about the Health Hazard that is imposed otherwise could be caused by coal and coal mi ning. However, it is important to understand the impact of this activity to economy and environment, which could help in knowing the impact to health t hus socioeconomic and environmental effects of coal mining are at the same time discussed. Developing co untries seek to exploit mineral resources to provide needed revenue thus, mineral wealth is a part of some nation’s natural capital (Davis and Tilton, 2003). However, Sideri and Johns (1990) stated that mineral development does not always boost a country’s economic growth and in some cases contribute to increased poverty. Some of the contributing factors for this misfortune were low level of employment, institutional corruption and mismanagement (Sideri and Johns, 1990). Coal industry development may result in national economic growth however, the benefits are not equally shared, causing local communities nearest to the mining site suffer the most. Miranda et. al (1998) added that mining as a general triggers negative impacts such as alcoholism, prostitution a nd sexually transmitted disease. According to Dr. Michael Hendryx (2009), â€Å"Areas with especially heavy mining have the highest unemployment rates in the region contrary to the common perception that mining contributes to overall employment†. S ynapse Energy Economics (2009) added, referring to Appalachia where mountaintop removal for coal mining is being done, â€Å"History shows that the transition from deep to surface mining devastated the region economically, and that the prosperity of mining companies has not gone hand in hand with the economi c welfare of coal mine workers. Appalachia has suffered from current and persistent economic di stress, and that this distress has been associated with employment in the mining industry, particularly coal mining.† Mountaintop removal coal mining remove the miner from the process, replacing manpower with machinery, and lowering the coal companies’ overhead cost (Appalachian Voices, 2012). From the article â€Å"Mortality in Appalachian Coal Mining Regions: The Value of Statistical Life Lost† authored by Michael Hendryx and Melissa M. Ahern (2009), it was stated that the Appalachian region of the United States has long been associated with severe socioeconomic disadvantages. These results to a poor public health comprising elevated morbidity and mortality rates for a variety of serious, chronic conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, and some forms of cancer. Furthermore, recent studies have confirmed that health discrepancies exist in coal mining regions of Appalachia compared with other areas of the region or the nation . These discrepancies include elevated mortality rates for total causes, lung cancer, and some chronic illnesses. It was noted that t hese studies showed that mortality is related to higher poverty, lower educati on levels, and smoking behavior, and further s uggested that environmental pollution from the mining industry is a contributing factor. In the study of Paul Younger (2004) , â€Å"Environmental impacts of coal mining and associated wastes: a geochemical perspec tive†, it was stated that in the early years of coal mining, impact on the environment adversely affect long -established agricultural interests. The negative impacts of coal mining came to be accepted as a by-product of the generation of coal-based wealth d uring the time when coal trade dominate regional economies in mining districts. These negative impacts became unacceptable when large-scale mining began and took place in major coal-mining economies. It was further stated in the study that t he environmental impacts of coal mining are results of the exposure of reduced earth materials that involves coal and others, to the oxidizing power of the Earth’s atmosphere. The study recognize subcategories of impacts under five major headings consisting of air pollu tion, fire hazards, ground deformation, water pollution and water resource depletion. Production of large quantities of waste is one major environmental issue that can be caused by coal mining. The impacts are more widespread in open-casts compared to underground mining, which produces less waste. Severe impacts could cause degradation of aquatic and marine resources and causes water quality reduction. According to Johnson (1997), erosion after heavy rainfall pushes waste rock piles and runoffs to nearby waste bodies and sometimes, this lead to disruption, diversion, and changing of slope and bank stability of stream channel and t hese disturbances significantly reduces the water quality. Ripley (1996) added that higher sediment concentrations increase the t urbidity of natural waters which lowers the available light to aquatic plant for photosynthesis. Elimination of important food source and decreased available habitat for fish to migrate and spawn usually happens if there is increased sediment loads that s uffocate organisms in marine organisms (Johnson, 1997). Fur thermore, higher sediments decrease the depth of water bodies which could contribute to flood (Mason, 1997). Deforestation is also a major indirect environmental impact of coal mining especially i n opencast or surface mining. Biodiversity is greatly affected , more importantly the removal of vegetation that alters the shelter and the availability of food for the wildlife. Coal mining also poses an environmental alarm in wetlands such as estuaries, mangroves and floodplains that actually served as natural filters of pollution as well as provide habitat for aquatic organisms. These areas are destroyed through direct habitat elimination or pollution from washable coals that were washed to produc e a clean pure coal (H.A. Mooney et al, 1995). Mining activities in general has many environmental impacts but at the same time, poses a significant risk to human health. The health cost of mining operations most of the time outweighs the advantages gaine d ( Yeboah, J.Y, 2008). Possible hazard including diseases or illnesses acquired from coal mining is discussed below as summary of various studies and articles about health risks caused by exposure to coal and coal mining. The association of pneumoconiosi s and other respiratory health risks with exposure to respirable mixed dust was identified in the study of Love R.G, Miller B.G., 6 The Hazards of Coal and Coal Mining to Human Health et. al. (1997), entitled â€Å"Respiratory health effects of opencast coalmining: a cross sectional study of current workers† conducted in United Kingdom opencast coal mines. The study carried out 1,224 men and 25 women at nine large and medium sized opencast sites in England, Scotland and Wales. Full sized chest radiographs, respiratory symptoms, occupational history questionnaires, and simple spirometry were used in the study to characterize the respiratory health of the workforce. In addition, logistic or multiple regression techniques were utilized to examine relations between indices of exposure and respiratory health. The study c oncluded that the frequency of (mostly mild) chest radiographic abnormalities is associated with working in the dustier, preproduction jobs in the coal mining industry. Although some of these mild abnormalities may be non -occupational (due to aging or smok ing), the association with exposure indicates a small risk of pneumoconiosis in these men, and the need to monitor and control exposures, particularly in the high-risk occupations. This study of respiratory health effects of opencast coal mining seems unalarming and maybe controlled since it was indicated that there is a small risk of pneumoconiosis among miners, however, coal mining effects to humans are not just limited to respiratory health. Furthermore, there are various studies that could prove that co al mining or coal combustion is a great contributing factor of respiratory illnesses most especially black lung disease. The negative impact of coal mining pollution to public health is analyzed in a study in West Virginia. Michael Hendryx and Melissa Ahern (2008) used the data from a 2001 research survey correlated with data from West Virginia Geological and economic survey showing volume of coal production from mining. Hendryx and Ahern study was â€Å"Relations between Health Indicators and Residential Proximity to Coal Mining in West Virginia† which have examined the coal mining in West Virginia if it is related to poorer health status and incidence of chronic illness. The study used data from a survey of 16, 493 West Virginians merged with county- level coal production and other covariates in investigating the relations between health indicators and residential proximity to coal mining. The research sought to find whether the effects of coal mining may result only from socioeconomic factors such as inco me and education problems together with environmental exposure problems or it a lso a ffects the health aspect of the people. It was emphasized that quantitative research on health consequences of residential proximity to coal mining is limited to a few stud ies of respiratory illness, which was conducted in Great Britain. With t hese few studies, one showed no effect of coal mining but there are studies t hat found increased risks. These were the main reason why this study was conducted. The result of the study showed that â€Å"As coal production increased, health status worsened, and rates of cardiopulmonary disease, lung disease, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and kidney disease increased. Within larger disease categories, specific types of disease associated with coal production included chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), black lung disease, and h ypertension.† The research found t hat the result of black lung disease is higher in men compared to women since this condition affects miner’s which are men. The risks for coal -associated illnesses increase with exposure to coal by-products. Toxins and impurities in coal cause kidney disease, hypertension and other cardiovascular disease. The effects also resulted from the general inflammatory or systemic consequences of inhaled particles and these effects may be multi -factorial, a result of slurry holdings that leach toxins into drinking water and air pollution effects of coal mining and washing. This study served as a screening test to examine whether co al mining poses a health risk for adults living near the mining site. The researcher recommended that confirmatory tests should be undertaken to establish mechanism of action, magnitude, and health consequences of an exposure effect. Another study of health hazard brought by coal mining is â€Å"The association between mountaintop mining and birth defects among live births in ce ntral Appalachia, 1996–2003†, a research study authored by Melissa Ahern et. al.(2011). This study examined birth defects in mountaintop coal mining areas compared to other coal mining areas and in non-mining areas of central A ppalachia. The researchers aimed to know if higher birth-defect rates are present in mountaintop mining areas . Moreover, this study analyzed 1996-2003 live births i n four Central Appalachian states using natality files from National Center for Health Statistics. It was stated from the study that â€Å"The prevalence rate ratio (PRR) for any birth defect was significantly higher in mountaintop m ining areas compared to n on-mining areas, but was not higher in the non m ountaintop mining areas, after controlling for covariates. Rates were significantly higher in m ountain top m ining areas for six of seventy types of defects: circulatory/ respiratory, central nervous system, m usculoskeletal, gastrointestinal, urogenital, and ‘other’.† It was found out that mountaintop- mining effects became more pronounced in the latter years (2000–2003) versus earlier years (1996–1999.). Furthermore, it was mentioned that the elevated birth defect rates are partly a function of socioeconomic disadvantage, but remain elevated after controlling for those risks. They also added that both socioeconomic and e nvironmenta l inf luences in mountaintop mining areas maybe contributing factors. In a researc h article authored by Hans L. Falk and William Jurgelski, Jr., â€Å"Health Effects of Coal Mining and Combustion: Carcinogens and Cofactors†, carcinogens and cofactors that may be present in coal is being tackled. As an epidemiologic evidence of carcinogenic risks in coal mining and combustion, it was mentioned that several epidemiological studies imply that the incidence of gastric carcinoma in coal miners is elevated above that of comparable segments of the general population not engaged in mining of coal. On t he other hand, the article noted that death rate of coal miners from lung cancer is appreciably lower than the rate for non-miners of comparable age. It was explained that the data obtained from various studies about lower rate of lung cancer among coal miners strongly suggest that an unknown factor probably coal dust, exerts a protective effect from acquiring cancer. It was further noted that even though the coal dust is beneficial with regard to lung cancer, it is the causative factor of black lung disease. Therefore, while lung cancer rates might not increase as a result of an expansion of coal production, black lung and other respiratory diseases would probably become more prevalent. Health effect of exposure to respirable coal mine dust according to Center for Disease and Control Prevention includes Black Lung Disease or Coal Worker’s Pneumocosis (CWP), silicosis, mixed -dust pneumoconiosis and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). CWP was defined as a chronic dust disease of the lung and its sequelae, including respiratory and pulmonary impairments, arising out of coal mine employment. It was moreover defined as parenchymal lung disease produced by deposits of coal dust in the lung and the response of the host to the retained dust. The primary lesion of CWP is like that of silicosis however, the amount and nature of dust and quantity and disposition of fibrous tissue and the presence of emphysema differs. Coal macules are rounded, irregular and ranges from 1 to 5 millimeters, lesions are distributed symmetrically found in both lungs with a greater concentration in the upper lobes (Attfield and Wagner, 1992). The proportion of dust, cellular material, or collagen varies depending on the rank of coal dust inhaled (Cotes and Steel, 1987). Silicosis develops when respirable silica inhaled is deposited in the lungs and varies from chronic, complicated, accelerated, or acute. Third is mixed -dust pneumoconiosis, which describes pulmonary lesions where crystalline silica is deposited combined with less fibrogenic dusts as iron oxides, kaolin, mica and coal (Silicosis and Silicate Disease Comittee, 1988). Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) refers to three disease processes which involve chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and asthma which are all characterized by airway dysfunction (Barnhart, 1994). COPD is mainly caused by cigarette smoking nevertheless, it could also be caused by air pollution and exposure to dust. Chronic bronchitis is associated with airflow obstruction and abnormalities in gas exchange (Barnhart, 1994). Coal dust and its sequelae are not the only health hazards of coal mining. Common occupational hazards brought by mining are also applied in mining coal. According to Institute for Occupational and Safety Development (2006), â€Å"M ining poses tremendous risks to life and limb, not only to miners but to community as well †. Hazardous mining operations caused both directly and indirectly countless accident. Hazards presented by mining to workers include intense exposure to heat, poor ventilation, fumes, repetitive stress injury, intense noise, manual handling of heavy machinery aside from biological and chemical hazard. Miner’s tend to have fluid and salt deficiency due to constant sweating since hydration is very limited combined with inte nse heat especially in underground mining sites. Furthermore, miners could have increased heart stress, heat stroke, and fertility reduction due to high temperature. Poor ventilation on the other hand, steals the oxygen from the body which results to brain malfunction and this can lead to death. Vibration from handling or operating large machines could result to permanent bone damage and vibration syndrome or dead finger syndrome that could proceed to hand and finger gangrene. The constant shaking could als o progressed to digestive problems because of constant moving of internal organs. Hearing impairment or disruption of body functions such as blood circulation and hormone imbalance could be a result of noise and hazardous sound that comes from drilling, blasting among others. Manual lifting of materials can cause back troubles leading to acute pain. Based from the government statistics, a ccidents in the industry of mining was used to be 0.1% in the year 2000 of the total occupational accidents however in 2 002 it increased to 1.7% of the total accidents which is in fact only 0.3% of the total labor force was into mining and this poses a very dangerous trend for mining ( IODC, 2006). Hazards mentioned above are, of course, i nevitable due to the nature of the activity itself. Yet, there are still other ways for them, in a way, to minimize the occurrence of these while working. In line with this is the importance of risk management. To be aware of the Risk Management is very important most espe cially when involving to activities that could pose risk not only to one ’s heal th but also to emotional, psychosocial, economical and e nvironmental aspect of an individual. Risk management is mainly the identification, assessment and prioritizations of threats brought about the actions going through or have gone through already. Through this method, t he pros and cons o f the action to be considered could be weighed. In t his discussion paper, certain risks that should have been given much attention b y the implementers of coal mining are tackled. From the hazards mentioned above, risk management that could minimize the impact includes the following assessment. There should have been even just an exhaust fan or some opening that some air could enter for them to be able to breathe as normally as possible. Also, to be able to minimize cases of deafness, miners are advised to wear ear plugs when heavy equipment is be i ng operated. Through this, noise could be minimized. It will also be advisable for the miners to have a sufficient supply of water with them as they progress with their work. Proper hydration is very much essential for them because there is poor ventilation inside the mine. The beverage they have with them should contain electrolytes for them to minimize incidence of fluid and salt deficiencies. An excerpt taken from t he article of Institute of Occupational Health and Safety Development s tates that, â€Å"Mines exposes workers to different types of airborne particulates, making them vulnerable to systemic toxic effects due to the absorption of coal dus t. Coupled with poor ventilation, this can trigger accidents and cause death to workers. RSI being a soft -issue disorder is caused by overloading of particular muscle group from repetitive use or maintenance of constrained postures. Miners who suffer from RSI complain of weakness of the affected muscles, heaviness, pins and needles sensation and numbness.† In this hazard, miners are expected to have protective masks that cou ld keep them from inhaling coal dust. Without the masks, this makes them very much vulnerable, primarily, to respiratory diseases and to other health -related illnesses. Presence of openings within the mines should also be considered for them to be able to breathe normally as possible. According to an article posted on, â€Å"Coal dust settles like pollen over the surrounding areas.† As what we ha ve discussed o n our Environmental Health class this s ummer, coal dust measures above 100 µm. Thus, it could only irritate the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and throat but not going further . Yet, considering that there is an occurence of anthracosis, which is detect ed primarily in the lungs. There is a contradiction between this standard measurement and association and the chemical effect of the inhalation of coal dust. According to a study conducted by Sapko,M. J, et. al, â€Å"Particle size can vary both within and between mines, since size is dependent on several factors such as mine type (i.e., longwall or continuous miner, along with cutting speed and depth) and coal seam type. In addition to total incombustible content and methane concentration, the coal dust particle size should be considered as an essential part of the explosibility assessment strategy in underground coal mines.â€Å" Coal mining creates several billion gallons of coal slurry, which contains extremely high levels of mercury, cadmium, and nickel. Although lauded by mining companies that this is a safer, more efficient way to produce coal, this type of strip mining has evoked strong protests from environmentalists and people who reside near coal mining areas. Coal mining work can be extremely dangerous, a s the numerous occupational hazards can cause critical injuries or even death. Since coal is also a necessity in our day to day lives, there is no way to be able to totally terminate or stop the operations of coal mining. All we could do is to minimize the risks that could threaten us if we are to put up or be involved in coal mining. References: Ahern M . e t. al. (2011) . The association between mountaintop mining and birth defects among live births in ce ntral Appalachia, 1996–2003. E nvironmental Research ; Volume 111, Issue 6, Pp 838–846 Attfield MD, Wagner GR [1992]. A report on a workshop on the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health B Reader certification program. J Occup Med 34:875Colina N P (2006). Briefing on Mining in the Philippines and the effects on Occupational Health and Safety of Mine Workers Conference on Coal Mining . IOHSAD ; Renmin University, Beijing, PROC Disadvantages of Coal Energy- Biggest Contributor to Global Warming is Co al’s Biggest Drawback (2011). G reen World Investor . Retrived from -coal -energybiggest-contributor-to -global -warming-is-coals-biggest-drawback/ Economic Impacts of Mountaintop Removal (2012). Appalachian Voices. Retrieved from mountaintop -removal/economy/ Falk H L J urgelski W,Jr (1979) . Health effects of coal mining and combustion: carcinogens and cofactors.Environ Health Perspect; 33: 203–226. Hamburger T (2010). Pressure builds against mountaintop coal mining. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved from na-coal8 2010jan08 Hendryx M . A hern M. (2008). Relations between Health Indicators and Residential Proximity to Coal Mining in West Vi rginia. Public Health 12 The Hazards of Coal and Coal Mining to Human Health Hendryx, M Ahern M. (2009) . Mortality in Appalachian Coal Mining Regions: The Value of Statistical Life Lost. Association of Schools of Public Health Public Health Reports Volume 124. Johnson, S.W. et al. (1997), â€Å"Effects of Submarine Mine Tailings Disposal on Juvenile Yellowfin Sole (Pleuronectes asper): A Laboratory Study,† Marine Pollution Bulletin Vol. 36 Love R.G, Miller B .G., et . al. (1997). Respiratory Health Effects Of Opencast Coalmining: A Cross Sectional Study Of Current Workers†. Occupational Environmental Medicine.:54(9): 696. Mason, R.P. (1997), â€Å"Mining Waste Impacts on Stream Ecology,† In C.D. Da Rosa (ed), Golden Dreams, Poisoned Streams, How Reckless Mining Pollutes America’s Waters and How We Can Stop It .Washington, DC: Mineral Policy Center. Miranda, M. A. Blanco-Uribe Q., L. Hernà ¡ndez, J. Ochoa G., E. Yerena (1998), All That Glitters is Not Gold: Balancing Conservation and Development in Venezuela’s Frontier Forests, World Resources Institute: Washington, DC. Ripley, E.A. et al. (1996), Environmental Effects of Mining. Delray Beach, Florida: S t. Lucie Press. Roenker J.M. (2001). The Economic Impact of Coal in Appalachian Kentucky. Center for Business and Economic Research. Sapire R. (2012).Engulfed in a Toxic Cloud: The Effects of Coal Mining On Human Health. Harvard College Global Health Review. Retrieved from -in-a- toxic-cloud- the -effectsof-coal- mining-on- human- health/ Sideri, S. and S. Johns (eds) (1990), Mining for Development in the Third World: Multinational Corporations, State Enterprises and the International Economy. New York: Pergamon Press. The Disadvantages of Coal (2012). Fossil Fuel Resources. Retrieved from -coal Uses of Coal (2012) . World Coal Association. Retrieved from -of-coal/ Yeboah J.Y (2008). E nvironmental And Health Impact Of Mining On Surrounding Communities: A Case Study of Anglogold Ashanti In Obuasi. Kwame Nkrumah 13 The Hazards of Coal and Coal Mining to Human Health University Of Science And Technology : Department Of Geography And Rural Development . Younger P L (2004). Environmental impacts of coal mining and associated wastes: a geochemical perspective . The Geological Society of London

International Globalization Marketing Plan of Batik Essay Example for Free

International Globalization Marketing Plan of Batik Essay Our mission is to establish a Global Batik Boutique industry with world-class quality in fashion design to support corporate clients and stylist society of upper market. We would like to be known as an industry driven by social values. We strive to be a â€Å"Choice of Retailer† in developing long-term Batik business relationships with our customers, which are founded on our ability to help identify the style-fashion and recommend the best wares and look’s for our customers. We strive for continuous improvement in providing â€Å"New Design† and â€Å"Good Quality† materials selection through a â€Å"Right-on-Time † fashion delivery. Batek Empat Kawan Sdn Bhd need to grow their revenue by exporting Batik products and expanding into new markets segmentation. With faster communication, transportation and financial flows, the company is planning penetrate into United Kingdom Consumer market on establishment of Batik made garment products . 1. 0 Company Background Batek Empat Kawan Sdn Bhd (BEK Sdn Bhd ) is a Malaysian owned company, a batik fashion and boutique consulting firm head quarters in Cyberjaya, Malaysia, specializing in all kind of batik design garment products. BEK Sdn Bhd incorporated in 2001, has an Sales Office and Manufacturing plant at Kajang.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Food Safety Hazards in Drying and Marinating Food

Food Safety Hazards in Drying and Marinating Food Food Microbiology Assignment topic: You have been approached by a local businesswoman who has developed a dried snack food to sell from her market stall. The product is made from thin strips of steak which are marinated with herbs and spices for 24 hours prior to being dried by gentle heating. The final dried meat product is stored at ambient temperature and intended for consumption without further processing as a snack food. a. What advice would you give the businesswoman regarding the potential food safety hazards that may be present in the snack product? Justify the reason for including each hazard in your advice.(Suggested word limit 500 words; 30% of the marks) b. What additional information would you request from the businesswoman to assist you in determining if the snack product is being prepared safely and consistently? Explain why the information you request would be important in establishing the safety of the food.(Suggested word limit 700 words; 50% of the marks) c. A sample of product is available for laboratory analysis. State which tests would be appropriate for this ready-to-eat product and the microbiological criteria you would apply to determine if the food was fit for human consumption.(Suggested word limit 300 words; 20% of the marks) *delete this after doing* Question (a) What advice would you give the businesswoman regarding the potential food safety hazards that may be present in the snack product? Justify the reason for including each hazard in your advice.(Suggested word limit 500 words; 30% of the marks) Developing the dried snack food requires food processing which includes transforming raw plants and animal materials, such as grains, meat and dairy. It is important that food safety is emphasized when developing food products as this can make them be safer to consume by destroying the toxins and also the elimination or inhibition of pathogens. Refrigerating, freezing, fermenting, drying and adding salt or sugar are techniques that can slow or stop the growth of pathogens. Processes that use heat such as pasteurization and cooking can eliminate pathogens. As this techniques do help to protect consumers, most cases involving foodborne illness include raw animal products, fruits and vegetables that have been contaminated by pathogens. (Hopkins, 2015, p. 9) In regards to the development of the dried snack food, this product is made from thin strips of steak, which is a source of meat, originating from livestock animals and organisms are most likely to be present in raw meats. All animals carry bacteria in their intestine as they were from Farms. The organisms that are likely to be present here are Bacterias, and they are such as E.coli and Salmonella spp. The organism, E.coli, is a common bacteria that lives in the lower gastrointestinal tract of humans and animals. It can be isolated from water and soil, and though most strains are harmless, there are some strains of E.coli that are capable of producing powerful toxins that can be causing severe illness. As this organism lives in the gastrointestinal tract of animals, animals to human transmission is possible. Meat can be contaminated during the slaughtering or during processing, and infection can occur from eating contaminated undercooked meat (E.coli, UCSF Medical Center, 2002-2015). In particularly, one E.coli strain called E.coli O157:H7 can cause severe diarrhea and kidney damage (E.coli O157:H7 Infection, New York State, December 2006). E.coli O157 is a lipopolysaccharide 157 strain, and generally E.coli is a gram-negative bacteria, facultative anaerobe and non-sporulating bacteria. In its habitat, E.coli is a commensal bacteria and has rapid colonization. Beef and dairy cattle are known reservoirs for E.coli O157 and for example, the likelihood of consuming food such as beef burgers, human will get infected after consumption. Apart from the gut, E.coli is also found in soil. E.coli O157 may colonize the gastrointestinal tract of cattle, and potentially contaminate beef carcasses during processing. E.coli bacteria are classified by their O and H antigens and broadly categorized as Shiga toxin-producing E.coli O157 or non-O157 STEC. (Marler, Clark, 2005-2015). Another organism that can be present in the meat, is Salmonella. Salmonella, lives in the intestines of humans, animals and birds. Salmonella may be found in the gut of many animals, including wild animals, farm animals and pets. Poultry are especially more likely to carry Salmonella. With proper and adequate cooking of meat and poultry, it usually kills Salmonella bacteria. Humans can become infected if they eat undercooked meat that is contaminated with Salmonella. (Dr Wright, Michelle, 2013) The usage of herbs and spices for the marination of the meat in this snack product brings about additional microbiological hazards, which includes Bacillus and some other spore-forming organisms that are capable of withstanding the drying process and producing toxins. Herbs and spices originate from plants and likelihood of the spore-forming organisms to be present. Bacillus species are endospore-forming aerobic or facultatively anaerobic, Gram-positive bacteria and the spores are resistant to heat, cold, radiation, dessication and disinfectants and it is a frequent cause of contamination. Bacillus species are well known in the food industries as troublesome spoilage organisms (NCBI Bookshelf, 1996). Another sporeforming organism present in the food would be the Clostridium species. Clostridium is spore-forming Gram- Positive anaerobes bacteria. They are known to have produce variety of toxins, of which could be fatal (MicrobeWiki, 2010). Having to state the above microbiological hazards, there are physical and chemical hazards too in regards to the potential food safety hazards in food manufacturing process. In physical hazards, sources for such contaminants include raw materials, badly maintained facilities/equipment and improper production procedures. Processors must have procedures to control physical hazards and also include hazard analysis portion of developing a HACCP plan (Food Safety – Physical Hazards, 2005). Chemical hazards include pesticides, herbicides, growth hormones and antibiotics, and additives. These shall be addressed in steps of the production process, which include the storage, during usage, during processing and prior to shipment of product. For the food safety management system, all chemicals used in manufactured product should have specifications developed, as well as a letter of guarantee from the manufacturer (Food Safety – Chemical Hazards, 2005). b. What additional information would you request from the businesswoman to assist you in determining if the snack product is being prepared safely and consistently? Explain why the information you request would be important in establishing the safety of the food.(Suggested word limit 700 words; 50% of the marks) In regards to the safe and consistent preparation of the snack product, it should include the following additional informations such as the slaughtering process, the heating process, the storage, the hygiene factors and proper preservation process. As the product is made from meat, there has to be proper slaughtering process. In order to ensure that meat supply is safe, it is important that the businesswoman make efforts to keep feces from spreading from the animals’ intestines or hides onto tables and the tools for slaughtering and butchering, or infact onto the meat itself. This is emphasized because in meat preparation, especially during the butchering, contamination does take place especially if the production lines of the processing moved so quickly, leading to likelihood of contamination of bacteria in meat and eventually causing foodborne illnesses (GRACE, Communications Foundation, 2015). In addition, she can also include meat inspection, so that she can ensure that the product for commercial sale is safely produced with the government inspectors present. Such inspection program is based on the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system. This allows removing potentially contaminated meat from the p roduction line during the slaughtering processes. Time and temperatures of marinating It is stated that the strips of the steak are marinated with herbs and spices for 24 hours, prior to being dried by gentle heating. This is seen as marinating outdoor and in room temperature, and bacteria can quickly multiply on raw meat. Marinating at room temperatures causes meat to enter the Danger zone between 40 degrees F. and 140 degrees F., where bacteria multiply rapidly (Stradley, Linda, 2004-2014). Marinating times vary depending on the type of cut and size of the meat. All meats are best refrigerated after marinating The second factor would be the heating process. It is stated that the strips of the steak are marinated with herbs and spices for 24 hours and they are dried by gentle heating. In this process, it is important that the businesswoman ensures that the heating of the meat is long enough so that most of the pathogens are killed off. The heating parameters to be applied in meat processing can vary considerably in temperature and duration, depending of the type of product. Heat treatment methods cause various physical and chemical alterations in meat, which also results in the beneficial sensory and hygienic effects on processed products (FAO, United Nations 2013). For processed meat products, the exact temperature control is indispensable as there should be balance found between the two opposite requirements and they are firstly, heat treatments temperatures should be raised high enough to accomplish proper microbial reduction for shelf life extension, and the other, the heat treatment te mperatures should be kept low enough to prevent deterioration of the eating quality. The organisms least affected by the conditions on meat surfaces are Salmonellla and E.coli and are likely to be the main hazards on meat of normal pH held at room temperatures. Mesophilic bacteria are involved in food contamination and degradation such as in meats Times and temperatures of drying The storage In the proper preservation process, it includes the water activity (aw), which is a free water in the food product References: About E. coli — Copyright  ©. Marler, Clark. (2005-2015). OutBreak, Inc., All Rights Reserved. [Web page]. Clostridium – MicrobeWiki. (26 July 2010). [Web page]. Dr Wright, Michelle. (2013). Patient: Trusted Medical information and support, Health Information, Salmonella. [Web page]. E.coli O157:H7 Infection, New York State. (December 2006). Department of Health, Information for a Healthy New York. [Web page]. E.coli, Patient Education, UCSF Medical Center. (2002-2015). University of California San Francisco, UCSF, Patient Education, E.coli. [Web page]. GRACE, Communications Foundation. (2015). Sustainable Table, Food Processing and Slaughterhouses. Food Safety. [Web page]. FAO, United Nations. (2013). Meat and meat products in human nutrition. Agriculture and Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. [Web page]. FAO, United Nations. (2013). Heat treatment of Meat products. Meat processing technology. Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. [Web page]. Food safety – Physical Hazards. (2005). University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources. [Web page]. Food safety – Chemical Hazards. (2005). University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources. [Web Page]. Johns, Hopkins. (2015). FOOD PROCESSING, LESSON PLAN. Bloomberg School of Public Health, p 3, 9. [Web page]. NCBI Bookshelf. (1996). Bacillus Medical Microbiology. The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston. [Web page]. Stradley, Linda. (2004-2014). What’s Cooking America. Marinating meat Guidelines, Marinating 101, Food safety tips. [Web page].

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining :: essays research papers

My mind was all muddled up and everything went topsy-turvy inside it. Yet, I remained still and silent. No one would ever imagine how I was feeling. There wasn't the cool atmosphere around me, nor the usual tranquility outside. My heart was pounding fast. I could hear the voice of my doctor saying that I had cancer and I could only live for a month. My heart was simply ripped apart. I could not believe it at first, but I knew I had to. After all these wonderful years and enthralling moments, I finally have to face God's greatest challenge. My mind wasn't as messy as before anymore and I couldn't even think of what to think. It seemed as if I had nothing to worry about, nothing to do, nothing to say. I was trapped inside this room waiting for the Grim Reaper to reap my innocent soul. Day by day, I remained silent in my bed thinking of nothing but my imminent death. I never spoke, consumed anything, nor stood up. I was totally weak. I was literally dying. I woke up suddenly one day, I had been disturbed by the sound of the television someone had switched on. I heard a soft sweet voice coming out of the TV later. It was a little girl's voice but wasn't a distinct one. I could only hear a word, which was the last word of her mesmerising speech. And that was "Live!" Live. Just as simple as that, "Live". Live, it kept ringing in my head for the next few hours. I never expected I would get addicted to thinking this word over and over. I forced my dry mouth to open. It was like trying to pull open a lift stuck on the highest floor, and it ached too. I desperately told myself to refrain from the pain and just rip the door of the lift apart. Aaargh! It was futile. Totally, extremely hopeless. Again, my heart sank. As I recalled the word, "Live", I forced myself to open my mouth and utter that petty word. I tried very hard indeed. And yes, I made it. I merely blurted out that word, "live"! I was emotionally filled with joy. I could hardly believe it,those lazy days of lying in my bed doing nothing had been counteracted by a simple word, "live"! I knew I had to regain my joyful and enthusiastic spirit, so I started off with stretching my legs and arms.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Micheal Redkin and Math Basics :: essays research papers

In order to create a graph such as the one Ms. Redkin uses to calculate the depreciation of her rental house, first it must be determined which part of the information given is the dependant variable and which is the independent variable. In this case the independent variable is time (in years), and the dependent the value of the house. Next create a graph with the given data, the independent variables on the x-axis and the dependent on the y. Graph and label the given data as points (4 yrs, $64000) and (7 yrs, $52000), allow the graph to represent the house’s value from when it was new to 10 years after its purchase. Graph a line from these two points, now you may follow the line to find the approximate value of the house at certain years of depreciation. In order to find the value of the rental house after ten years, follow the line previously graphed to 10 on the x-axis. The y value you should receive should be 40,000, and if you were searching for the value of the house when it was new, the graph shows $80,000 at 0 years. Another example of how this graph may be used is in finding which year the house reaches a certain value. In order to find out which year the house’s value becomes 55,000 follow the graphed until you come upon the value of 55,000. The x value associated with the value 55,000 is 5 years, so the answer is the rental house will depreciate in value to 55,000 at 5 years. The slope of the line will be required to find many other answers to questions you may have concerning the house and its depreciation. To determine the slope of the line, use the given points of (4,64000) and (7,52000) in the equation (y2-y1)/(x2-x1), that is determine the change in y divided by the change in x which is the slope. (52000-64000)/(7-4) is the specific equation we will need for this line, the solution, -4000 is the slope of the line once simplified. One way to use the slope is to formulate an equation which will relate the value of the house to the number of years depreciated. Let V stand for the value, and t stand for the number of years it has been depreciated. To complete this equation we will also need to know the y intercept so we may use the

The Iraqi War Essay -- Papers Opinion Argumentative War Terrorism

The Iraqi War This is a discursive essay for the argument against America going to war with Iraq. In this essay, I will briefly include a summary about Iraq and go on to give evidence about previous incidents and other significant points that finally led to the war. Iraq is a dictatorship that was under the rule of the tyrant Saddam Hussein until the coalition forces invaded and toppled the Iraqi regime. Saddam Hussein officially became a dictator in the year 1979. Since then, he has caused many disruptions and has terribly ruled Iraq. Saddam was supported by the military of Iraq and he was a really brutal man. The people of Iraq were tortured and murdered under this dictator. There was a time where Saddam was interested in developing weapons to fight against other countries. At that time, Iraq did not have close links with neighbouring countries such as Iran. Saddam Hussein then saw Iran as a slightly vulnerable country and started a conflict with its neighbour. Hisorically, there were differences between Iraq and Iran. These differences can be seen in religious matters, border disputes and politics. These led to animosity between the two countries which heightened during the rule of Saddam Hussein. Fortunately, the war was ended in 1988. Since then, Saddam had an interest in developing what is known as "weapons of mass destruction". These weapons can exist as chemical, biological or nuclear weapons. Somewhere in the middle of the year 1990, Iraqis accused Kuwait of stealing their oil and selling it at low prices, thus damaging the Iraqi economy. Iraq then went on to invade Kuwait on August the 2nd, 1990. This most un... ...sualties of the war, some innocent civilians. Until now, there were no weapons of mass destruction found in Iraq. President Bush took drastic action on Iraq without any reason. There were not also complete backing from the international community to proceed in this war. Going to war is not a very democratic decision and America should have tried other civilised ways to deal with Iraq. America's plans were to go in and find weapons of mass destruction and to get rid of the Iraqi regime. They did not need to go to war to do this. The war claimed many lives of civilians and soldiers and over $93 billion spent. This money could be used for better purposes such as helping poor countries and funding useful projects. Fortunately, the leader of the regime, Saddam Hussien was finally captured later in early December 2003.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Character Study: Scott Hastings Essay

The film strictly ballroom directed by Baz Lurmann is a drama/comedy about peoples attitudes towards dance and other cultures. A character that makes a dramatic change is Scott Hastings. He changes from being smug and self centred to being accepting of other cultures and that other people can be successful with the help of family and friends. Scott is a very arrogant, self centred person before he properly meets Fran. His mother Shirley has a great influence on his behaviour. â€Å"Half of the trophies in this room were won by Scott.† Shirley shows Scott that is alright to be rude to people and that the world only revolves around him. In Les Kendall’s dance studio, Scott is irritated by les and Shirley because they showed their disgust about Scott dancing his own steps and rebelling against Les and Shirley. This causes Scott’s partner Liz start dancing with the dancing champion Ken Railings, also Scott’s arch enemy. â€Å"I don’t want us to end up like that drunk Ken Railings. The director shows Scott’s reaction to this by using extreme close ups to show his facial expressions and mid shots to show his body language to the people around him. At the end of the scene Fran approaches Scott and asks to dance with him. This triggers the changes that Scott starts to make. Scott changes due to Fran approaching him and asking o dance with him, â€Å"Look what you’re carrying on about? You’re going to wake up tomorrow and feel like a real idiot about it.† Scott decides to give Fran a chance at dancing and realises that Fran can really dance. In the Fiesta scene Baz Lurmann uses the opportunity to reveal Scott. Rico confronts Scott about the kind of dancing Scott is doing with Fran and Scott lies to Rico and says that he has been practising the Pasa Doble, Scott then tries dancing the Pasa Doble, but soon learns that it is the wrong dance because the people at the Fiesta start to laugh at Scott for dancing the wrong dance. â€Å"What, why are you all  laughing at me?† Rico starts to dance the Pasa Doble and Scott joins in. The director uses this dance off to reveal the fact that Rico is Scott’s contrast and the extreme close ups on both of the dancers feet. This symbolises that Scott respects Rico and learns that he has to earn respect and not be given it like a handout. In this scene Rico is wearing a genuine matador’s jacket to show Rico has an upper hand on dancing the Pasa Doble. Scott also realises how he acted before he met Fran and Rico and his behaviour towards people ho he thinks are ‘below’ him. The ending sequence is another sequence that also changes Scott. This is the scene where Shirley pressures Scott into dancing with Liz after her new partner Ken Railings dumps her. Fran sees Scott and starts dancing in beginners dancing. â€Å"Fran is back in beginners where she belongs. Scott sees Fran upset and shows his true colours and feelings about Fran. Finally Scott realises Fran is the right dancer for him and this is also the time when Doug tells Scott the truth about his and Shirley’s past. â€Å"Son, can I bend your ear for a tick.† In the dance sequence following what Doug revealed to Scott, he realises that Fran and her culture is important. The matador jacket which Rico wears in the earlier Fiesta scene is now worn by Scott to symbolise the respect and knowledge he has gained through Rico and Fran. Scott now reveals his feelings for Fran by kissing her. Therefore the character Scott changes from an arrogant self-centred boy to a courageous admiral character. This is shown though the three main scenes when Scott feels challenged. In the opening scene Scott thinks of Fran and all of the people who cannot dance as good as him like they should look up to him but in the Fiesta scene, Rico and the Spanish community laugh at Scott proving his theory wrong. Scott’s new sense of respect leads through to the ending sequence when Scott portrays freedom and the sense to respect everyone, no matter what culture they are.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

How does DNA play a role in inheritance Essay

How does deoxyribonucleic acid play a role in inheritance? You receive one-half of your deoxyribonucleic acid from your mother and one-half from your father throw off an sheath of a dominant and recessionary heritable disorder. People with light look scat to conduct recessive alleles of the major genes people with dark eyes tend to carry dominant alleles. Give an example of an X- and Y- linked disorder.x(Hemophilia By(color blindness)How can communicable science help to foreknow diseases? Doctors can realise you a predictive genetic test(PGT) to predict future problems. But let it be known that the test is non cytosine% certainty What role does a genetic counselor play in back up families with known genetic diseases? A genetic counselor play a rattling big important role for the patient. They be able to present complex and exhausting to understand information, to both the patient and in that location family. They also talk to them about testing, unalike options, genetic risks and counseling services. What disease(s) is gene therapy currently being tested on? Hemophilia, inveterate Granulomatus Disorder(CGD), Cancer, Neurodegenerative Diseases and much more. Has gene therapy been authorise in the United States? No.If gene therapy has been approved in the US, what is it being used to plow? If gene therapy has not been approved in the US, why not? Gene therapy is even so in the investigative stage. The only elan to get gene therapy in the US is to go through clinical trials. What be some of the safety issues associated with gene therapy? it commonly has to be delivered using a carrier, called a vector. The most common gene therapy vectors argon viruses because they can recognize certain cells and carry genetic material into the cells genes. Researchers remove the master disease-causing genes from the viruses, replacing them with the genes needed to stop disease. unwanted immune system reaction, Targeting the wrong cells, infection ca used by the virus, Possibility of causing a tumo Do you believe that gene therapy is good? Why or why not? Its hard to say. For someone who needs it(a dismal person), I think its a possiblilty.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Dupont Analysis Essay

Dupont Analysis Essay

A satisfactory return on assets might be divided through a high profit margin , or a rapid turnover of assets, or a combination of both. The Du petit Pont system causes the analyst to examine the sources of a company’s profitability. Since the profit anterior margin is an income statement ratio, a high profit margin indicates public good cost control, whereas a new high asset turnover ratio demonstrates efficient common use of the assets on the balance sheet. Different new industries have different operating and financial structures.Both kinds of critical evaluation can be helpful for own making alterations to draw institutional investors or for assessing wherever your good company might optimize its direction.Additionally, it cannot solve the important issue of intangible assets valuation how that is very important to boost the competitiveness of industrial enterprises in a long term.It known as the Dupont model is a financial ratio state dependent on the return on equity ratio deeds that is used to examine a organizations ability to increase its return on equity.

Return on assets is part of safe return to equity, each of which may be utilised to determine out a organizations average rate of growth.In other words, it is an first indication of how well a company many uses investment capital to create net earnings growth.It is a company that is going many places in the community.Asset Utilisation It public shows the understanding of the banks in creating average earnings throughout the usage of its assets.

Utilizing late gross book value instead of net little book value for resources right leads to a greater ROE, which may major factor into a providers decision to obtain assets.Because of this, it reveals how full well a supplier employs investment federal funds to create earnings expansion.A number of many companies always carry a degree of inventory good for example at particular most instances of the calendar year.Increase and it old has has been attempting to expand their production.